Why visual content is important for your business website

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Why visual content is important for your business website

People like pictures and videos in websites. This is because people retain around 50% more information seeing something visible than hearing about it. Word of mouth is good for your business website but a video is better.

– 100 million internet users watch videos online a day.
– 90% of shoppers said watching a video in a business website was helpful in making their purchasing decision.
– 64% of people are likely to buy something from a business website after watching a video online.

In this day and age why think about something if you can already see it in front of your very eyes?

Think about all the joys of window shopping without leaving your warm home.

A lot more products are sold from websites with videos on, than those without them.

So how can your business benefit?

More and more business websites are switching on to the importance of strong visual content to drive up traffic. With an increasingly competitive market, half of business websites already use visual content because there is a stronger preference to high-quality website design content that helps attract passing customers with strong, eye-catching visual imagery.

Strong video or digital media content on your websites helps you rank higher in google searches. It will hold the buyer’s attention for longer and give you higher SEO rankings. As you will know from our earlier blogs, SEO is everything.

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45.4% of internet users view a video online at least once a month but the average user is exposed to 32.2 videos a month.

Competition is high and your business website could be missing out. Many well-known companies have sold millions of products using viral videos including brands like Apple, Dove and Old Spice.

Now thanks to websites like Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat and even Facebook, anyone can create visual content from their phone. It is that easy and a picture tells a thousand words but a video tells 1.8 million more.

It’s easy enough to create visual content from your phone but it needs to look good on a professional website.

So don’t get left behind.

Here at Sites for Business, we can help you with all of the above so feel free to come and talk to us about your online business needs.

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