Tag - social media management

social media

Making Social Media Work For Your Business (and what to do if you don’t have time)

In 2018, everyone’s using social media; from your children to your grandma. But did you know that social media can also be used to bring in business for your company? We’re going to discuss how you can make social media work for your business, how to know which social media platforms are right for you and what to do if you simply don’t have the time (or inclination – be honest!) to learn how to wrestle with social media. Choosing [...]

video content

Video Content is the Key to Successful Digital Marketing

When you think of advertising, depending on your generation, you’ll either think of traditional advertising on the television or the advertising seen on platforms such as YouTube, Snapchat or Vimeo. The thread that holds advertising on television and the world of digital marketing together is that they both rely heavily on the use of video content. When you think about it, it’s easy to see why online video advertising is around 600% more successful than other forms of digital [...]

instagram benefits

Instagram Benefits You Need To Know

At this point, the majority of our social interactions include photos. Whether it’s texting a friend and adding an accompanying picture to prove a point, taking a selfie or updating your Snapchat story. One of the most apparent examples of the importance of visual content is the meteoric rise of Instagram. As such, a lot of brands are trying extremely hard to understand the Instagram benefits and harness them to sell their product. 1. Instagram Benefits: Marketing Instagram photos are a [...]

small business social media presence

3 Arguments To Prove That Social Media Presence Is Vital For Small Businesses

In 2018, most businesses, small or large, are already using social media to build their brand. If you’re one of the few companies that are not riding the social media wave, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. After all, surely an SEO-friendly site and a good newsletter are enough? Unfortunately, it’s not. You need a social media presence to reach customers and stay above the competition. Here are some of the reasons why social media [...]

Tips for a Successful Christmas Social Media Campaign

Christmas is a stressful yet rewarding time of year for any business. Companies need to alter their brand to suit the holiday season, including changes to the design of their website and the creation of a Christmas social media campaign. A Christmas social media campaign has 3 overall goals: To spread some festive cheer Increase engagement with your content Create a spike in sales So how can a business achieve these lofty goals using the power of social media alone? At Sites For Business, [...]

social media reviews

Social Media Reviews: Why They Matter

In 2017, it’s likely that your business already has its own social media presence. This means that people are most probably leaving reviews of your company on your social media profiles. We live in an age where consumers are more empowered than before and are more likely to do their research via social media reviews before they decide to buy. According to recent studies, 90% of respondents claimed that positive online reviews influenced whether or not they chose to buy. [...]

social network management

5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Social Network Management

Social network management isn’t quite as easy as just getting a Facebook account and posting. These social media gurus are extremely proficient in social media and know the kind of content that will cause your products and services to sell. Here are 5 fast facts you didn’t know about social network management. Social Network Management Takes a Long Time While social network management sounds like a breeze, it’s actually extremely time-consuming. A small business will likely need between 10-15 hours of [...]