Tag - business websites

online reviews

Why your business needs online reviews.

It doesn’t matter what type of business you’re operating, online or offline, reviews will help it to thrive. There are a number of reasons why online reviews are so essential to customers. The foremost of which being trust. We’re going to look at why businesses need reviews and some hints and tips about them that will make the process easier! The beauty of sites like Yelp, Glassdoor, TripAdvisor, Facebook and Google Reviews is that they assure the customer that you’re [...]

slower website design Southampton

10 Reasons Why Your Website Is Slower Than Your Rival

Is your website slower than your rival business? Customers shop online. They are casually surfing the internet and think to themselves; “Ohhh. Where can I get that thing I need? How expensive is it? Where is the closest place to buy?” These are all perfectly reasonable questions and all part of the shopping experience. The next step for the online shopper would be to check out the websites of the relevant businesses for the best possible deal. I’m sure your business [...]