Tag - Local Search

Web Design Southampton

Web design Southampton experts reveal how social media improves SEO

Your web design Southampton specialists are working hard to circulate important information that will help your companies website and credibility. Did you know that the SEO of your website can be improved through a good social media strategy? If you’re looking at the screen blankly, we suggest you read on. Social media and SEO are two tightly interwoven strategies that will improve your ranking and credibility of your business website. These strategies present an organic improvement to creating an appealing [...]

Web Design Southampton

Google is mapping out a new advertising strategy

In the age of technology we are relying heavily on our mobile devices, whether it’s for a local restaurant or a nearby shop – it’s always in reach at the click of a touch screen.  Google Maps have always been our first port of call when it comes to finding somewhere close to our door, and Google is beginning to realise how much we actually use it. Which is why Google Maps advertising is becoming a new initiative to strive [...]

Web Design Southampton

Google social media on the plus side

Google+ and your business The world of social media is continuing to grow at an alarming rate! So we need to keep up. Let’s look at Google+ this social media site is often forgotten in the building of business strategies. Which is a great disappointment, because when used correctly it can make quite the impact. Have you ever noticed that when you type in keywords for the product or service you are looking for, that often a company will appear on the [...]