Google AdWords Management

Frustrated by Google AdWords? Let our internet marketing maestros save you time and money

What is Google AdWords?

AdWords is an online advertising service from Google that allows you to post a short advert with a link to your product or service page close to, or near the top of Google search results. Unlike traditional advertising, AdWords offers a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) payment method so, you only pay when a visitor clicks on your advert.

Can Google AdWords Boost My Business?

Google AdWords is an excellent way to drive large numbers of potential customers to a particular ’landing page’ on your website. A landing page is a webpage designed to either sell one particular product or to get visitors to sign up to a mailing list. When list signups are the target, the page is sometimes referred to as a ‘lead capture page’.

How can Sites for Business Help You Improve Your Online Business?

PPC can generate amazing results for small as well as large businesses, but it can become an expensive minefield to those who don’t understand it correctly. Many small business owners dabble with AdWords Express and end up blowing their budget for little or no results. Using a professional AdWords management service will help you to keep your cost per click low, and your ROI high.

We will make sure that your adverts target the best niche.
If you're not doing this already, most of your advertising spend is being wasted.

We will help you find the most cost-effective keyword phrases for your campaign.
Proper keyword research is essential, but most people don’t understand how to do it correctly. They end up wasting their
limited budget on expensive or inappropriate keywords.

We will write compelling Adwords Adverts that motivate your target visitors to click.
Google Adwords Adverts give you a short headline plus 70 characters to grab your audience’s attention. We use professional copywriters who know how to do this.

We can create a dedicated, high-converting landing page.
A great AdWords campaign wont get you the results you want unless the visitors who click on it are directed to a dedicated sales or sign-up page.
Don’t worry, we create these for you.


What you will get from us:

PPC campaign planning

Niche research.

Keyword research

PPC set up

Advertisements creation.

Keyword setup.

Landing pages

Landing page creation.

Data collection from landing page.

Page optimisation to improve its effectiveness.


PPC campaign tracking, analysis and optimisation

Keyword price goes up and down all the time, some keywords became too expensive or do not generate enough traffic. We analyse strengths and weaknesses of your campaign and improve it.

PPC reporting to keep you in the picture

Our PPC management includes detailed showing how your keyword phrase campaigns are performing and how much traffic and conversions they generate.

Contact us today to arrange a free initial consultation!

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