Monthly Archives - April 2017

website design in Southampton

5 Ways Website Reviews Can Help Your Business is now officially launched! Check it out by clicking here! Customer reviews are the latest trend for website design in Southampton. 88% of shoppers use them, so find out how your business can benefit. Word of mouth has always been great for business but before Southampton had websites, it was just you chatting with a neighbour. Now your business needs an online review so everyone can see the nice words people are saying about you. As we reported in one of [...]

Google SEO

How Google SEO Listings Help Your Business

What is the first thing someone does when they are looking to buy these days? They search on google. Why? Well, this is because SEO listings help your business online more than you can realise. Learning why and how they work can be the key to a successful business. 81% of shoppers make decisions online so imagine how many options there are. Is your business one of them? 91% of shoppers don’t even go past the first page of google results. With as [...]

slower website design Southampton

10 Reasons Why Your Website Is Slower Than Your Rival

Is your website slower than your rival business? Customers shop online. They are casually surfing the internet and think to themselves; “Ohhh. Where can I get that thing I need? How expensive is it? Where is the closest place to buy?” These are all perfectly reasonable questions and all part of the shopping experience. The next step for the online shopper would be to check out the websites of the relevant businesses for the best possible deal. I’m sure your business [...]