Tag - Web Design Southampton

Web Design Southampton

Web Design secrets revealed; free images for your website

  For many writing the content for a website can become the hardest task, however, if you’re having a crack at web designing then you know there’s something that trumps the endless words…  Pictures. Pictures can put a Web Designer or business website owner into a head spin, as they search for the right image to fit the right space and match the right colours. You see web designers, have an eye for perfection, which is always a good thing. But when [...]

Web Design Southampton

Learn how to protect and restore a hacked website

Your Web Design Southampton specialists are also quite savvy when it comes to backing up and preventing a virus attack. Here at Sites For Business, we are often asked how to deal with an infected or hacked website. Viruses and hackers can infect your website in many ways, which is why it’s important to protect your websites and to make sure they are safe in the first place. WordPress is the most popular content management platform after it overthrew its [...]

Web Design Southampton

The importance of a business website

The growing age of technology is becoming even further integrated into our everyday lives. But why is it so important to us? Here at Sites for Business, your Web Design Southampton, we are keen to help you with your website management.  The World Wide Web, commonly known as ‘www’ is our port of call for information, from research to online shopping, we cannot simply life without it, can we? We have come too far to result back to the Yellow Pages, [...]

Web Design Southampton

Google social media on the plus side

Google+ and your business The world of social media is continuing to grow at an alarming rate! So we need to keep up. Let’s look at Google+ this social media site is often forgotten in the building of business strategies. Which is a great disappointment, because when used correctly it can make quite the impact. Have you ever noticed that when you type in keywords for the product or service you are looking for, that often a company will appear on the [...]

Web Design Southampton

Google is watching you: Our unusual ways to improve your ranking on Google

Here, at Sites For Business, we are continually faced with requests to improve a customer’s ranking on search engines. Endless businesses benefit from Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for their rankings on Google (or other search engines). For a business to appear higher in the search engine results, it provides a good first impression, which persuades the customers to click on their site. The more clicks, the more clients. First impressions are key, and being at the top of Google [...]

Web Design Southampton

Sites For Business’ 15 Top Tips on attracting visitors to your website

Online traffic excites most businesses, as it provides proof that they’re showing their customers the most relevant content and targeting them in the best way possible. Here at Sites for Business, we understand that business owners require regular visitors on their websites and need a solution to convert them into clients. These 15 tips will help get you there! 1. Desert the billboards, we’re moving online The number one solution to gather more visitors is to run a paid advertising campaign, [...]