
HTTPS: Why You Need To Make The Switch

You may have heard a lot of information about switching to HTTPS recently; it’s been the buzz of web design news for a while now! You might be wondering though, exactly what HTTPS is and why it’s necessary for the day-to-day running of your website. We’ve written this article to help you to understand why it’s important and why you need to make the switch. If your website handles any user data or sensitive information, it’s vital that you’ve made [...]

HTTPS: Why you urgently need to switch to secure browsing.

As of 2015, Google has adjusted their crawlers to start prioritising HTTPS pages by default. This means that pages with HTTPS are given higher priority than those with HTTP. In January 2017, a Chrome update meant that input fields that are not using HTTPS were flagged to let users know that they were transmitting data insecurely. But what are HTTP and HTTPS? Why do you need to make the switch? What is HTTP? Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is most commonly used to [...]